
Tuesday 2 September 2008

Marrion Herrington, 42, appeared at Leeds Crown Court charged with the attempted murder of Ann Smith, 82.

19:34 |

Marrion Herrington, 42, appeared at Leeds Crown Court charged with the attempted murder of Ann Smith, 82.Prosecuting, barrister Simon Kealey told the court how Herrington stood in the bedroom doorway as her partner, Barry Armstrong-Smith, 47, tried to smother his sick mother with two pillows in her room at her bungalow in Acomb, York.Mr Kealey claimed the couple wanted to inherit Armstrong-Smith's share of the house, said to be worth some £40,000, and £2,000 from his mother's savings.
The court heard how Mrs Smith felt a weight on top of her and the sheet and duvet were pulled over her head.She told police that she saw Herrington in the doorway. In a police interview played to the court, Mrs Smith said: "I fought and fought. I thought I was going."Herrington denies attempted murder. Armstrong-Smith admitted a charge of attempted murder at an earlier hearing.

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