
Tuesday 9 September 2008

Ernie Del Pinto finally has a measure of confidence that the man accused of fatally shooting his son in the face will pay for his alleged crime.

08:50 |

For the first time since his son was gunned down in Thailand last January, Ernie Del Pinto finally has a measure of confidence that the man accused of fatally shooting his son in the face will pay for his alleged crime.An off-duty Thai police sergeant was arrested and charged with premeditated murder in the death of Leo Del Pinto, 25, and for injuring his friend, fellow Canadian Carly Reisig of Chilliwack, B.C. in the town of Pai.Del Pinto, his family and lawyer met for an hour with David Sproule, Canada's ambassador to Thailand in Calgary Monday."I think something came out of this. I'm happy," said Ernie Del Pinto who now expects justice will be done.
"I was (worried) because you'd have everybody say you're never going to get justice," he said. "I was worried about it and I think something will come out of this."The family was hesitant to discuss specifics but was assured that the Canadian government is fully involved in the case and would follow it through to the end.
"He said the police officer, who was originally reassigned, is now off duty and once the full investigation is concluded will go to trial.Del Pinto said for the first time in eight months he is confident that justice will be done.
"What I can tell you is the family is very pleased from the meeting. We have the personal assurance and the personal attendance of the Canadian government in relation to this matter and that's what we wanted," said family lawyer Adriano Iovinelli.
"We're very satisfied with what the family has done up to this point."
The mood is considerably lighter than earlier concerns expressed by the family that Ottawa was stalling in giving them information and that the case would not go to trial.Iovinelli said the investigation is being conducted by DSI, which he said is Thailand's "equivalent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police" - the highest level of investigation in Thailand.He said once that is concluded there will be a recommendation on prosecution and then proceeding to trial.Iovinelli said the family received double good news about the officer charged in the shooting. He had originally be reassigned to a different district but that has apparently changed."We understand that he is now off duty and we have been assured that three different levels in Thailand have investigated this matter."The officer has said it was self-defence, but Del Pinto's father has said his son was shot at close range in the face and chest for defending Reisig and did nothing to deserve the attack.The Del Pinto family is now content to sit back and wait for the Thai justice system to run its course and Ernie Del Pinto said he intends to be there when the case goes to trial.
Iovinelli said the family is also hoping to meet with Thailand's ambassador to Canada to discuss the case.

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