
Saturday 5 January 2008

Audrey Fitzpatrick: PRESS Conference (updated text)

19:36 |

Audrey Fitzpatrick The mother of Amy, Irish girl 15 years of age who had disappeared on January 1 in Mijas (Malaga), today gave a press conference at the Ocean Hotel to publicize her missing daughter and help with information for the search.
The mother, Audrey Fitzpatrick, read a statement in English, "If anyone has seen Amy to contact with the Civil Guard or phone: 062 or 112," Audrey asked.
"Someone must know something," said the mother, while he called "especially in the British Community, on the Costa del Sol which is extensive having lived for five years in the town. Amy is a popular girl ".
The family of the child reported that the night of 31 and day 1, Amy was with a friend, Ashley,they were babysitting in a house on the Calypso urbanisation . "She was wearing a faded black mini skirt, a black 'Diesel'shirt and also some high black boots," according to her mother .
"She is a very thin girl with brown hair, a very pale color," she continued. In addition, during the press conference leaflets were distributed with a photo and description of the girl to help the search.
"A girl can not disappear from the face of the earth, which is why I ask the people to try to recall whether they had seen anything. Any little information is useful," asked the mother.

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