
Friday 28 December 2007

Dog Dogged

17:31 |

First Criminal Court in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico dismissed all criminal charges pending against Dog, Tim and Leland Chapman on the grounds that the statute of limitations had expired. However, Dog and his Posse are not in the clear quite yet. Although the cancellation of the warrant still stands, on August 1st, an appeal was filed by the prosecution to overturn the lower court's decision, rulings against the prosecution are generally appealed as a matter of principle. Chapman (family problems) said Tucker had been sent to prison at the age of 18 and served four years of a 20 year sentence for armed robbery before being released on parole.
"I tried to take control of his life (after this)," said Chapman, himself an ex-con. "I heard this girl was maybe not being the best for Tucker -- and I'll leave it like that -- so I tried to interfere. Honolulu-based Chapman, 54, who says he is a devout Christian, made no comment on reports that his son sold the tape for $15,000.Chapman, with his trademark scraggly long blond hair and leather wardrobe, rose to fame after his 2003 tracking and capture of Max Factor heir and serial rapist Andrew Luster in Mexico.

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