
Saturday 10 November 2007

01:19 |

Government of India grants handsome rewards to informers who provide specific information leading to seizure of goods, currency, bullion or leads to detection of duty evasion including wrong declaration of quantity, description, value etc. The maximum amount of reward to the informers can be as high as 20% of the value of confiscated goods and penalty realised. The maximum reward in respect of gold is Rs.50,000/- per Kg., for silver it is Rs. 1,000/- per Kg., for Opium it is Rs. 220/- per Kg., for Heroin it is Rs. 20,000/- per Kg., for Cocaine it is Rs. 40,000/- per Kg. and for Hashish it is Rs. 400/- per Kg. If the information leads to detection of duty evasion, maximum reward of 20% of the duty evaded plus 20% of the fine/penalty realised can be given as reward to the informers.

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